Nurse Empowerment Team Workshop #4
April 2, 2019
-Tuesday, 9:00am-5:30pm
Crosstown Center, Room 305 (3rd floor)
801 Massachusetts Avenue
Boston, MA 02118
Boston University Medical Campus
This workshop will bring together our work to date as we continue to develop the school nurse mentoring program. Maureen Bisognano, President Emerita and Senior Fellow at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), will join us for a conversation about her career path from clinical nurse into a leadership role at IHI. This will be followed by our Nursing and the Health of Populations Symposium*. The symposium, moderated by Maureen Bisognano, will address the state of nursing science and practice and its intersection with the evolving field of global population health. The meeting aims to ask questions and encourage provocative answers, pointing to future synergies between nursing and population health.
*Please register for the Symposium here.
This program is not eligible for discounts.