Meredith Daly

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  • in reply to: Discussion 3 (DTDW21) #8254
    Meredith Daly

    Bar graphs make rankings easier to visualize because a quick comparison can be done based on the size of the bars. For the Northern Zone, the service category that produces the most claims is Curative Care Visits (1110); the service category with the least amount of claims is Speech Therapy (1). For the Eastern Zone, while the service category with the most claims is also Curative Care Visits (987), the service categories with the least amount of claims are Inpatient Medical and Inpatient Obstetrics (2).

    in reply to: Discussion 2 (DTDW21) #8249
    Meredith Daly

    If Flores del Mundo wanted to track membership rates over the course of a year, I would recommend using a line graph. Line graphs easily allow the user to look for trends over time in a visually appealing manner. In addition, if the data were split between Northern and Eastern regions, I would suggest using a line graph with a line for each region. A bar graph could also be used, but it may be visually easier to compare membership rates between regions with the line graph.

    If graphing membership based on category (employee/spouse/dependent), a bar graph would be useful. Because the data captures an entire year, it may be helpful to stack the bars rather than place them side-by-side for each month. This method allows the user to examine categorical data as a part of a whole and is more visually appealing.

    in reply to: Discussion 1 (DTDW21) #8235
    Meredith Daly

    Based on Stephen Few’s definition of a dashboard, the Mpilo Central Hospital’s maternity dashboard display could be considered a primitive version of a dashboard. While it is certainly a vast improvement compared to the paper-based system previously in place, there are areas of opportunity. The performance measures have been narrowed down to a single “at-a-glance” page with stoplight indicators. However, it is difficult to detect and interpret trends with the inclusion of so many numbers. It would be helpful if only the year totals were displayed with their indicators in relation to the targets. The monthly data could then be included as drill-down graphical information on a separate page. This would allow the hospital to see how close or far away they are from targets on a monthly basis.

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