Chana Weiner (Rosenbaum)

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  • in reply to: Discussion 4 (DTDW22) #9974

    While I have dealt with a lot of different data depictions at work, I have not encountered any histograms or box and whisker plots. I do think they’re very easy to understand, but we mostly stick to bar graphs and tables bringing in data from pivot tables.

    in reply to: Discussion 3 (DTDW22) #9967

    The best type of graph to show a ranking would be a bar graph, as you can depict the rankings in an ascending/descending way. If we ranked claims from most to least frequent, the Professional service category would be at the top of the list with the most claims, and Inpatient would be at the bottom. Both of these ranking would be the same for the Eastern and Northern zones.

    in reply to: Discussion 2 (DTDW22) #9950

    I think that a line graph would be best for sharing membership trends over the course of the year as it can depict the ebbs and flows easily. If i was graphing total membership vs employee/spouse/dependent, i would switch to a bar graph with different colors to show which bar is higher/lower than the others more easily. To show eastern and northern on that same chart, I would have those regions on the bottom, and then each bar on the bar graph would be a different color for each type of membership.

    in reply to: Discussion 1 (DTDW22) #9906

    I do not think that the WHO local maternity dashboard is really a dashboard. According to Stephen Few’s article, the definition of a dashboard is that it “is a visual display of the most important information needed to achieve one or more objectives; consolidated and arranged on a single screen so the information can be monitored at a glance.” This visual of the maternity data is not presented in a simple visual and does not provide a high level summary. This chart requires the viewer to look at all of the data points individually by month, which takes time, rather than a rating of each performance measure against one another.

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